Hello and welcome to our Library
The library is open Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 3:00pm. Each class visits the library once a week to browse, borrow and return books. The library is open before school and at lunchtimes, except on wet days. There is Lego in the Library every Friday lunchtime for students to enjoy.
Our school librarian is Mrs Fran Nixon, she is available any day from 8:30am to 3pm.
“Libraries are browsing places, dreaming places, finding out places. So much education takes place when children are making choices of their own” – Michael Morpurgo
“Libraries are a telescope to see across the world, or a microscope
to reveal what is unseen” – Garth George
You can login to the Library Web App and browse the library collection, request books (Years 5 to 6) and track your borrowing history. To login you need to enter your barcode number (student number) and password. If you don’t know your login details please check with your teacher or the librarian. When you have logged into the “Access-It” Web App you can view the Web App User Guide video located on the front page.

Information for Parents
Parents are welcome to visit the library with their children before school. Mrs Brown is available to talk to parents on anytime before school starts or by appointment. You can contact our librarian on 534 9765 ext 834 or email tinab@pmps.school.nz
We have a Parent Lending section which is located just inside the main door of the library. It contains a range of books on parenting, reading, dictionaries in other languages, childhood illnesses, etc. Parents can become members of the library and borrow from this section by filling out a Parent Lending Enrolment Form. Once your membership has been completed by the library you can login to the Web App and browse the collection.