PMPS BOT Update on COVID-19 Prevention and Hygiene Management (18/03/2020)


Dear Parents, students and our school community,


We have recently received further guidance and information about COVID-19 from the Ministry of Education and the board have met to review a number of school practices and events.

我们学校最近收到新西兰教育部关于新型冠状病毒的进一步指南和信息。 校董会已经根据指南评估了学校的运营和各项活动。

In addition to the work we are already doing about maintaining high levels of personal hygiene, we have;


· cancelled our school swimming sports event which was due to take place this Friday over concerns about it being held in a council space with non-traceable members of the public

· stopped holding whole school assemblies and switched to assemblies with smaller groups of children


· started developing a plan and methods for delivering remote learning in the unlikely event of a school closure


· increased provision for sanitising classroom surfaces.


Our next step as a board will be to review the implications of holding Student Led conferences, scheduled to take place at the start of April.


We will continue to review our procedures in light of changing events, and following guidance from the Ministry of Education and District Health Boards who have been providing us with up to date, accurate information and guidance on a frequent basis.


As has been the case since the start of the year, please do not send children to school if they are unwell in any way. If either you or your child are concerned about your health or wellness, seek medical advice- ideally via phone (COVID-19 Line: 0800 358 5453).

最后再次请家长遵守我们学校相关规定。如果学生有任何身体不适,请一定不要让学生返校。如果您或家人有任何健康相关的担心,请及时需求医疗咨询和帮助。(新西兰政府新型冠状病毒专线: 0800 358 5453)

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