From the Principal

Trustee Elections

We are currently busily engaged with the triennial NZSTA elections to elect the school Board of Trustees for the coming 3 years. By now you should have received your nomination forms which can be used either for requesting a nomination for yourself, or for nominating another candidate. Our board of trustees play a crucial role in leading our school and setting its strategic direction. The current board should be congratulated for a successful 3 year tenure, which has featured a wonderful ERO review in 2017, innovative property developments in areas C and D, the addition of a canopy over the school turf in 2018, and the transition of our school policies and procedures to a website open for community access. I would like to take the opportunity to congratulate the current board on their commitment to our school, and for the support they have provided during their time in office.

Voting papers for the 2019 election will be sent out to you at the end of May, and voting closes on 7th June at noon. Our newly elected trustees meet for the first time at our June meeting on 20th June.

Principal’s email group

Our Principal’s email group have already provided valuable feedback in 2019 on the themes of our school facilities and the school vision. The new theme focuses on the potential involvement of PMPS in a Community of Learning (Kahui Ako) with local schools Bucklands Beach Primary, Macleans Primary, Owairoa, Mellons Bay, BBI, and Macleans College. Your input in this and subsequent themes is very valued.

If you would like to join the Principal’s email group, please send an email to to be included.

Welcome New staff

Welcome to Mrs. Janet Fletcher and Mrs. Wendy Hosking who have joined the school staff this term. Mrs Fletcher is working in  Room 5 with our new entrants and Mrs. Hosking is our new Administration Officer replacing Mrs. Clark.


Welcome new students

George Li, Jacob Bu, Jojo Zhang and Ammar Elsharqawi.

Board of Trustees

The next Board meeting is Wednesday the 29th of May at 7pm.

PTA News

The next PTA is Wednesday the 5th of June at 7pm.

Pink Shirt Day- Friday 17th May

Pink Shirt Day began in Canada in 2007 when two students took a stand against homophobic bullying, after a peer was bullied for wearing a pink shirt.

In Aotearoa, Pink Shirt Day aims to create schools, workplaces and communities where all people feel safe, valued and respected. To support Pink Shirt Day, children can wear anything pink. There will be a gold coin donation All donations will go towards the Mental health Foundation. Team Kahikatea is proud to be holding Pink Shirt day at Pigeon Mountain Primary.

Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying!

Pink Shirt Day

Parking and driving around Loloma Drive and staff car park

The school staff car park is for staff only. Please drop students off in the designated drop off zones. If you need to park your car for any reason, there is a small carpark at the school entrance in Wells Road.

We have noticed cars parking on the yellow lines in Loloma Drive. The yellow lines are there to keep our students safe.



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