Titoki T1 Team Newsletter
From the Team Leader
Dear parents and caregivers of Titoki students, the start of a new school year is a very exciting time for us. We are delighted to welcome all our new students and parents to the team and are looking forward to getting to know you all. This year brings lots of fantastic learning opportunities as your child takes responsibility for their learning and approaches each new day with an inquiring mind. Developing our school values (Responsibility, respect, resilience and excellence) will be central to your child’s progress and development not only as a student but as a person who will contribute to society. We value your support in encouraging these.
A big congratulations to Miss Jonson who gave birth to a healthy baby boy in early January. Both baby and Mum are doing well. Hopefully she will pop in to visit us sometime during the year.
Team Titoki 2020
Rm 17 Year 5 Mrs Stevenson (Team leader): trudies@pmps.school.nz
Rm 18 Year 4 Miss Tallack: saraht@pmps.school.nz
Rm 19 Year 6 Mr Wroth: kevinw@pmps.school.nz
Rm 22 Year 4 and 5 Miss Holt: meganh@pmps.school.nz
Coming onto the school grounds during the school day
Due to health and safety laws and in the interests of student safety: All parents, caregivers and school visitors must sign in at the school office before proceeding to their child’s classroom. There are no exceptions to this rule. Thank you so much for your cooperation and support with this.
How you can help:
- Volunteer to be a parent helper at camp (Forms will come out soon)
- Talk about the school values at home. Notice when your child does something that exemplifies a school value and tell them. E.g “When you did that….you were being resilient”.
- Volunteer to read with a group
- Help with preparing art materials
- Help with creating costumes for our production in term 4
Parent involvement
We value parent and caregiver involvement at Pigeon Mountain and there are many ways you can get involved. If you are a parent or caregiver who is keen to get involved in some way please let your respective class teacher know your availability so that we can find a way for you to help.
All students should have their stationary on the first day of school. Please ensure all books are named.
Each week every class has a library time. Year 5 & 6 students are allowed to borrow up to four books a week. Year 4 students are allowed 2 books a week. Please help your child to remember their books on the correct day.
Rm 17, 18 and 22 are on Tuesday.
Room 19 to be confirmed.
A huge amount of uniform items are left every year in the lost property because they are unnamed. Please ensure all items of uniform are named and remind your child that if their polar fleece is not on their back, it should be in their bag (Not on the floor somewhere!).
Hats are compulsory for term one and four. Please make sure they are named!
Bell times
8:30 Classrooms open for students to get ready for the school day. If you need your child to arrive before this time or stay later after school, please enrol them in ‘Busy Bods’ before and after school care which operates from our school hall. The school does not provide supervision prior to 8.30 or after 3pm.
8:50 School starts, block one.
10:50 Morning tea
11:15: Block two
12:45 Lunch
1:45 Block three
3pm School finishes
Our Learning
Weeks 1-4
Big Idea:
Identity is influenced by culture, experiences and a desire to belong.
Concepts :
Understanding Goals:
Students will understand-
- Diversity shapes our identity
- How values and beliefs are influenced by culture and heritage
- Values and beliefs shape actions and responses
Key Questions
- How does the past influence who we are?
- What makes me who I am?
- Are we more the same or more different to others?
- How do my values and beliefs affect my actions and responses?
Weeks 5-10
Big Idea : Consumerism is driven by marketing, supply and demand.
Concepts :
Understanding Goals:
Students will understand-
- How consumerism affects choices
- Supply and demand
- How a response to changing needs drives enterprise and innovation
Key questions:
How does data influence choices?
Why do we have money?
What makes a fair trade?
How do we know what we want or what we need?
‘Bring Your Own Device’ (BYOD) is operating in our school. The purpose of BYOD is:
- Access to digital learning for all students
- Students are more engaged to learn
- Allows students to learn, create, share and collaborate anywhere, at anytime
- Students comfort level with their own devices
Students see their preferred tools and apps, thus personalising learning
Please remember BYOD is not compulsory.
After school it is important for your child to take a break and recharge. Homework is not compulsory, however the following activities are recommended.
We ask that all students read for at least 30-45mins every day. This could be one block of 45mins or divided into smaller chunks of time. Reading can be more than just your child reading independently. Students also enjoy reading with someone, reading to other people and being read to by someone else. Suitable reading material includes: novels, books, magazines, newspapers, school journals, blogs, web sites and researching material. Most importantly, it needs to be something your child is interested in.
All students need to complete the task set by their teacher on Mathletics. These tasks will reflect the work that is being taught in class and will be based on the level that your child is working at. About 20-30 minutes each day.
Teacher directed learning
At times your classroom teacher may set different homework activities. This could include: completing work from the classroom, extra basic facts/maths work, self-directed internet activities or completing a book report. Any homework given will be based on the needs of your child and what they require for their learning.
Dates for the Diary
Picnic and Meet the Teacher
We are hoping to see as many parents as possible at our meet the teacher evening on Thursday the 5th of February at 7pm, just meet in the hall. The following week is the annual school picnic at 5.30pm on Tuesday the 11th of February. You know your child best and we believe that having regular communication with parents and caregivers will hugely enhance your child’s learning. Please keep your eye on our facebook, wechat or Skoolbag sites to get updates for all events throughout the year.
Year 6 Camp is coming up in week 6 of this term 10th to the 13th of March. Of all events in your child’s year 6 year this is a one of a kind experience. Most students recollect it as the best time during their year 6 year. The personal learning and growth that takes place on camp is huge. More information will come out soon.
Team Titoki funday at Eastern beach December 2019